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Marketing Coaching

One-to-one support for entrepreneurs and marketing leaders ready to grow

With industry expertise, leadership experience, and recognition by the International Coaching Federation, Tanya offers practical, results-driven coaching and consulting for senior leaders determined to take their company to the next level.

Get clarity, remove obstacles, and reach new heights

With marketing coaching, you’ll have access to a mentor who understands how to lead teams, keep up to date with trends, and build a personal brand. As an entrepreneur and academic, Tanya can infuse your personal development plan with a wealth of applied research and real-world experience.

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Learn the practices of the world’s top-performing marketing teams to craft a vision people will love to follow.

Accelerate your business

Scale your business for a substantial financial return by developing and executing a powerful strategy and overcoming limiting beliefs.


leverage emerging technologies

Map your goals and KPIs to new or underutilised marketing tools to maximise your budget and improve your ROI.

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With ongoing help and support, you’ll no longer have to second guess yourself as you move your business forward.

What do you need help with?

This one-to-one support is based entirely around you, your goals, and the challenges you’re currently facing. These are just some of the situations where personalised marketing coaching can be a game changer:

You recently joined a new company or got promoted to a leadership role

You're an entrepreneur who wants to take your business to the next level

You’re feeling left behind in conversations about marketing technology

You need help preparing a case for setting a higher marketing budget

You’re responsible for hitting a big KPI, and you’re not sure how to get there

"Tanya has been invaluable in helping me to lead my business through a very difficult time. She’s given me mental clarity and helped me to focus on the  things that will move me closer to my goal. Before my first session I was completely overwhelmed and didn’t know what to do next. Afterwards I had articulated exactly where I wanted to be 12 months from now and how I was going to get there. Each session has built on that and adapted to how I’m feeling and what I need. I always feel more positive after a session and am raring to go. Thank you Tanya."

J. Grubb

Agency Owner

What does marketing coaching look like?

One key difference between traditional coaching and marketing coaching is that Tanya is able to offer marketing-focused research and insights to help you move to the next level. This combination of personal development and real-world expertise is what will help you excel in your role as a senior marketing leader.

While specific advice and actions are always tailored to you and your industry, the outline of the coaching process is always the same.

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Discovery call

It all starts with a free 30-minute discovery call to see if marketing coaching is right for you. You’ll discuss your role, challenges, goals, and any other specific reasons for seeking help with your personal development.

If it looks like coaching will be right for you, then you’ll move forward to the next step.

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Goal Setting

What’s most important for you in your role right now? Becoming a more effective leader? Attracting the right talent? Choosing the right marketing objectives and KPIs?

By clarifying your goals and getting aligned on expectations, you’ll have a clear picture of progress you’ll be able to achieve and when.

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What does a typical day look like for you? How well does your team perform currently? What are the pain points and frustrations you’re currently facing? How much do you know about digital marketing right now?

Baselining establishes your current progress and uncovers your key strengths, weaknesses and overall impact in your role.

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Development planning

Based on your goals and current progress, Tanya will work with you to develop a personalised development plan consisting of the recommended actions and resources to build you up as an effective marketing leader.

Tanya’s holistic, practical approach to leadership development can include parallel training for your staff so you can grow together as a team.

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Implementation and ongoing evaluation

With one-to-one meetings to review goals and actions, Tanya will help you to stay accountable. She’ll also track your progress against the development plan to identify areas for closer focus and improvement. With regular sessions, you’ll be able to get feedback, troubleshoot obstacles, and keep moving forward.

As you reach your initial goals, you’ll be able to reflect on your coaching experience and decide whether to pursue your next set of challenges.

Schedule your coaching discovery call today